7 Things Content Writers Can Do With ChatGPT

7 Things Content Writers Can Do With ChatGPT

On Friday, just before I was about to wrap up my workday and leave the office for the weekend, one of my clients sent me a message to Slack: "Have you seen the new ChatGPT? I wonder how it can be used in our SEO strategy…" I was like, "What's a ChatGPT?" (I'd never heard of it.) Read this article to learn what ChatGPT is and how you can use it to create content.

OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research company, has just introduced ChatGPT, a new chatbot that can respond to users' questions in an intelligent and engaging way. 

ChatGPT is based on GPT-3.5, a language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. Unlike the older GPT-3 model, ChatGPT is more engaging. It can write poetry and create art, correct coding mistakes, and explain difficult concepts.

Watch it instead:

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The OpenAI team has opened up its bot for anyone to try during beta testing. API access is expected to follow next year, allowing developers to integrate ChatGPT into their applications. With this, companies can create products ranging from chatbots to call center software to coding tools.

ChatGPT has since taken the internet by storm. 

Later that day when I received that message from my client about ChatGPT, I went on Twitter, and wow! – everyone was talking about it.

People are amazed at how intelligent ChatGPT sounds and some have even called it a replacement for Google because of its ability to answer complex questions directly—like a personal know-it-all teacher.

I couldn't help but explore the ways writers can use it to create content. Let me show you a few simple examples of how you can use OpenAI's new prototype to create content.

7 ways writers can use ChatGPT

1. Create metaphors and analogies

When you need to explain a complex concept, like the backend or the blockchain, or simply want to make your writing more engaging, you can use ChatGPT to get ideas for creative metaphors or analogies. Just look at it:

I typed in "Backend is like" and it has given me a perfect analogy:

Backend is like the engine of a car – it's the unseen power that drives the system forward.

2. Write a list of interview questions to ask subject matter experts

As a content writer, you may need to talk to subject matter experts to gather the information needed for your articles. However, coming up with a list of questions can be an arduous process, especially if you are new to the field. Luckily, you can ask ChatGPT to create a list of questions for any interview.

Let's see what it suggests we ask to the head of game production: 

Well, I would definitely include some of these questions to my discovery interview with a new client.

3. Create an outline for an article

Writing article outlines can be time-consuming, but you can use ChatGPT to get your creative juices flowing. Let's see how AI can create an outline for an article about how to monetize a blog:

Hm, not perfect, but it's a good start. Looks pretty logical and can be used as a basis to build on.

4. Discover key points about any topic to cover in your content

Sometimes it can be difficult to think of what to say next when writing about a particular topic. ChatGPT can help you brainstorm key talking points. For example, let's try to find five key points to know when writing about blockchain and NFT:

5. Create a list of topics for a listicle

How about we ask ChatGPT to make a list of marketing films? I'd love to make a video about this, by the way.

I've watched only four of them. Don't know about you, but I should definitely save this list.

6. Write creative ads

AI is truly opening the door to a new era in creative copywriting. If you know what you want to communicate to your audience, AI tools can help you speed up your writing process and make your copy stand out. Let's try to write copy for an ad to run on Facebook.

We should specify who the ad is aimed at (hardware engineers) and describe the product itself:

Smarty is a powerful no-code IoT platform that helps hardware engineers create IoT software to manage their connected devices.

Let's look at the ChatGPT's ad:

Are you a hardware engineer looking for an easy way to manage your connected devices? Look no further than Smarty! Our powerful no-code IoT platform is designed to help hardware engineers like you create IoT software to manage your connected devices with ease. With Smarty, you can quickly create, deploy, and monitor your IoT applications without any coding experience. Try Smarty today and make managing your connected devices a breeze!


7. Translate complex into simple

Writers often write about complex stuff that they struggle to understand themselves. That's where ChatGPT comes in—it makes it easy to translate the complex into simple. To show you how it works, I've copy-pasted complex text from a PDF about p2p energy trading into the playground window. Let's see how AI has simplified it:

P2P electricity trading lets people make better use of renewable energy, like solar and wind power. It can make electricity more accessible, reliable and cheaper. People can also help their local community by supporting renewable energy and earning money. 

Simple and clear!

Now, tell me honestly: Do you fear AI would replace writers eventually? Share you thoughts in the comments to my tweet.

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